Content marketing

Czas czytania: 2 min

Sharing your knowledge and valuable content is a perfect opportunity to build a relation with new clients, employees and investors. Content marketing can effectively support sales and help achieve business goals. Whether it is a company blog or a series of professional meetings, it will always involve knowledge sharing.

I’ve had an opportunity to work on many professional projects, organize thematic meetings, debates and also prepare publications. I’ve carried out numerous initiatives and activities related to content marketing, including research and market reports.

Why is content marketing worth using?

  • It’s a perfect opportunity to engage your employees and clients in the preparations of, for example, professional reports or publications on a particular subject.
  • Google will value worthwhile content, therefore well-published materials that are passed on (shared) will benefit your website (content) ranking.
  • By creating content which is appealing to your prospective and current clients we strengthen the brand and carry out business and development actions (you can take this opportunity to acquire sale leads).
  • Worthwhile content will be also valued and noticed by the media, while the publications will strengthen your brand reliability and its prominence on the market (PR).
  • The distribution of the materials provided by our employees will boost their motivation and at the same time build their personal brand as field experts (as for the employer – it will build the brand of the employer who values their employees).

I strongly recommend Content marketing which offers you a wide range of benefits in the areas of PR, marketing, sales, employer branding and personal branding!

I look forward to meeting you and having a conversation on:

  • How we can use content marketing effectively in your promotional actions?
  • How you will build reliable personal brand by sharing content and your knowledge?

I will prepare for you the following:

  • various forms including reports, online articles, infographics, presentations, videos, webinars, online chats, live video streaming on Facebook, slide share on Linkedin as well as
  • the strategy of “passing on”, communication and passing on your content on the Internet.

Are you interested in finding out what your professional report may look like? Please see below the reports I’ve done for HR.

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